Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

I Heart Faces Furry Face Entry

For this week's I Heart Faces challenge I am entering the lovely Alexandra's photo.  She posed so pretty for this and I want to share her photo.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Conundrum of Being Retired

When I first retired last year, I had these great ideas that my house would always be clean, all projects would be done and the towels would always be folded.  I used to take off work early sometimes to clean the house because I hated when things weren't done.  So why is it now that I have lots of time to do these things they aren't done?  I no longer feel the need to fold clothes, dust furniture or wash dishes just because those are the jobs that are waiting for me.  It seems now I am more interested in editing photos or catching up on my favorite TV shows.  On one hand, I feel like I should be doing housework and on the other, I think - what the heck I can do it tomorrow.  Ah, the life of the retired.  Do I really care?  I don't know.  Maybe I do, I need to get off of the computer and go clean the bathroom.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ocean City in the Offseason

Last weekend I went to Ocean City MD for the big crafts fair they have there every year the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I suppose some people wouldn't even think of going to an ocean resort town in the offseason, but for me it's my favorite time to go.  I've never been a sunbather and I can't stand waiting in the lines for two hours in the hot sun trying to get into some restaurant in the middle of July.  In the offseason, most of the places are open on the weekends.  There are plenty of places open on the boardwalk and you have your choice of restaurants without the summer lines.  The traffic is pretty great too compared to what it's like in the summer.  Of course, I always have my camera and Fall sunrises over the ocean and sunsets over Assawoman Bay are the prettiest.

Gorgeous Sunrise

Sunset over Bay